Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Importance of photos

The importance of keeping records of the bazaar through photos is becoming more and more evident.  I am learning.  For example, these photos from 2007 are totally unfocused.

I didn't have a purpose in mind.

I am learning to be more purposeful in taking the photos - of a particular display, like these tiles by Mickie Skinner,

or of activities during the bazaar like Mary Schlunneger and her friend taking a break on the deck,

or how and where vendors were set up last year.

I think I will remember...until I don't.  I have regretted not having better photo records, but have still returned to them again and again for various reasons.

1.  Advertising

2.  Scrapbook
3.  Blog
4.  Remembering set up, props used, past vendors, etc.

I keep photos by the year, but maybe someone has a better filing system??  I am making a promise to myself to be more systematic, assigning someone to take the following photos:

1.  Each table in order around the room

2.  Close-ups of each product
3.  Each vendor
4.  Some of the activities

After all, I never know what records I will need for the future.

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