Thursday, March 27, 2014

Joyce Cutler, Seamstress

Sewing is Joyce Cutler's passion, and once people see what she is making for her family members, they beg her to make one or more for them. She usually graciously complies.

Joyce does beautiful machine embroidery on purses, scarves, wallets, towels, or whatever takes her fancy.  The colors she puts together are nothing short of amazing.

Last year I bought her credit card holders, tucked some prepaid credit cards in them, and gave them to my kids for Christmas. Now she is making wrist wallets, perfect for those times you don't want to carry much of anything.

These blankets are her latest project.

But she promises to make more of the very popular pot holders that seem to fly off the table.

Whatever she chooses to come up with, we know we're going to love it. Besides, it's fun to have Joyce around, so we're looking forward to another great weekend in Seaside, OR, October 24 and 25, 2014.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Importance of photos

The importance of keeping records of the bazaar through photos is becoming more and more evident.  I am learning.  For example, these photos from 2007 are totally unfocused.

I didn't have a purpose in mind.

I am learning to be more purposeful in taking the photos - of a particular display, like these tiles by Mickie Skinner,

or of activities during the bazaar like Mary Schlunneger and her friend taking a break on the deck,

or how and where vendors were set up last year.

I think I will remember...until I don't.  I have regretted not having better photo records, but have still returned to them again and again for various reasons.

1.  Advertising

2.  Scrapbook
3.  Blog
4.  Remembering set up, props used, past vendors, etc.

I keep photos by the year, but maybe someone has a better filing system??  I am making a promise to myself to be more systematic, assigning someone to take the following photos:

1.  Each table in order around the room

2.  Close-ups of each product
3.  Each vendor
4.  Some of the activities

After all, I never know what records I will need for the future.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Accessory Artist Becky Sue Mizell

Becky has been our faithful mainstay, and we are delighted to have her with the Seaview Manor Bazaar in Seaside, OR, once again. She is a wizard with polymer clay and always has a wide variety of jewelry to choose from. 

She has also become well known for her unique buttons. All buttons are made from a millefiori technique in which different colors of polymer clay are used to make the design. The colors are permanent since they are made from clay.

At the Seaview Manor Bazaar October 24 and 25, 2014 you will definitely find one-of-a-kind items!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Brianna Lichnovsky

I am thrilled that Brianna Lichnovsky will be returning to the bazaar October 24 and 25, 2014.  I love her whimsical imps and verse.  I just have to make this really large so you can read it.  

Bree says "Imps are small beings who live in the Forests and Fields of Everywhere and sometimes even in your House!"

But she does more than imps.  She is also a fine painter.

Bree designed our posters, flyers and postcards last year.

And she has agreed to paint another watercolor which will become the basis for our ad materials for 2014. I haven't seen her ideas yet, but you can look forward to another beautiful unique piece of art.