Something "Needed" is Something Purchased
As we get closer to the holidays, bazaars in Portland are plentiful, so I had to select a couple that sounded promising. One was "A Formal Affair" sponsored by Handmade NW, a collection of artists and crafters who are previously selected to be part of the group. If the artist is part of the group, then s/he can apply to participate in one of their shows. This show had over 100 vendors, many jewelers, but most of the jewelers were too similar. When I see that many beautiful pieces, I tend not to buy anything because I really don't need any jewelry.
I did buy a hand woven kitchen towel. I love these towels because they wash so beautifully and come out of the dryer looking brand new. This is something I have needed. Let's see, we don't have any hand woven items. Maybe I'll send her an invitation to participate in our bazaar.
I went on to the Laurelhurst Holiday Bazaar held at a school. Laurelhurst is a lovely established neighborhood with beautiful old homes and mature landscaping, so it sounded promising, but again it wasn't anything that dazzled me. There were lots of vendors and lots of customers - too many. I did find these unusual cluster pots that were so reminiscent of shapes in nature. Lo and behold the potter is a diver who was inspired by undersea coral. And suddenly I found that I needed a cluster pot, though I certainly didn't know going in that I needed these cute little pots. Now I just have to decide how to justify it. Will I give it as a gift? Use it myself? In the kitchen? Bathroom? Living room? Fill it with tiny plants? Paper clips?
Maybe I can get her to be part of the Seaview Manor Bazaar next year. The pots are unusual - I've never seen anything like them; they would add variety; they're beautifully done; they are colorful; and there are a lot to choose from...just my criteria for making our bazaar something special.
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